Employee integration based on a cycling competition.




Bonair is a Polish implementation company that has been supporting enterprises in development and digital transformation for 28 years.

  • Industry
  • Number of employees
  • Office


Employee integration



3 287



months of competition


trees working during a year


rides to work

7 tons

of saved CO2

29 350



days on bicycle


The cycling competition proved to be an ideal solution for employees of different ages. It engaged people who previously did not take part in sports activities. Our main goal was employee integration, but we also managed to develop healthy habits among our employees. We definitely intend to repeat the program next year!

Challenge purpose

We learned that Microsoft is having a cycling competition among its employees, and we wanted to incorporate a similar game in our company. We mainly wanted to see how our organization responds to such a contest. We are a very sportive company – we often rented courts for football games, we have sports cards available for our employees, and we used to have a very talented skiing team. Many of our employees are passionate about cycling and do a lot of it in their spare time. We knew that we employ some competent cyclists. Additionally, a lot of young new employees have joined us recently, many of them actively fascinated with all manners of sports so we looked into an activity that would fit many people of different ages. Usually, such activities form from the bottom up, and we never organized something so large from the top before.

Round icon with female avatar
"We were mostly surprised by the participants themselves. We would often hear about rides being taken at 23:50, just to get a higher score than their rival. And the best testimony to a good contest is the fact that many kept choosing the bike long after the contest was finished."

Before the start

Our employees were engaged from the very first message. We used all the promotional materials supplied by Activy. The posters were personalized (in our company colors) and were present on every office wall. The participants communicated in internal groups, but the most activity was spotted around 9 am in the showers, where employees compared their morning results and checked their rankings in the app. Such a positive start of the day did a lot to improve the mood and morale in the office.

Solution icon

During the challenge

The people that were most engaged where those that did not previously participate in company sports activities. Many employees never consider a bicycle as a means of commuting to work before. They were surprised to find themselves so engaged in cycling and the rivalry. Therefore, after a month of activities, apart from prizes for the contest winners, we also prepared cycling kits for every player: a water bottle, buff, and towel. Once the activity was over, every participant received a personalized cycling t-shirt.

"I was so into it that I even got on my bicycle on my wedding day so that I wouldn’t lose my streak and bonus points. This shows how much the application helps in building motivation for everyday riding."


The rivalry was a pushing factor, and employees started changing their sports habits, started choosing bicycles over their cars. If they had a long journey ahead, they would select public transport combined with city-bikes. One of the employees decided to ride a bicycle on her wedding day, not to lose her everyday cycling streak. To our amazement, the contest was won by an employee that never before cycled to work.